Saturday, November 25, 2006

Christian Children's Home

Thought that we will be going back to the resort after visiting Sumalin. haha.. too bad... it wasn't as expected. We went to a Christian Children's home to meet the kids.. and once again, (just like previously at the school), Pastor saboed me to lead songs again... haha.. and I played whatever I know... while the rest started on their Jigsaw Puzzle Game Competition...haha...

This boy is cute isn't it... he obediently stood there to let me take pic... of him holding a very BIG bible?? haha.. hmm.. a Pastor-to-be??

A little boy sweeping the floor.. to get ready for the games later on...

Boys one side... girls one side... and the girls are sitting at the more sunny area... haiyo...

Our turn to introduce ourselves again... "Hi Everybody... My name is Yanyan and Yan yan in Thai means.. cold cold.... hee... and I am from Singapore!!... " *clap...clap...*

While I was playing the songs, Pastor picked up the drumsticks and started playing alongside with me.. you can see that my face changed when I heard the drums... cos... my guitar beat must be accurate... or else, Pastor will have headaches... and he did have headaches man... hahahaha....

And the winning team is ..... the boys!!

First-runner-up... the girls!! haha... that is why Eve is created later than Adam.. we are always slower by one beat?? is it true?? haha... just kidding la.. before the girls start to throw stones at me... hehe...

Uncle Desmond told of a very imprompt-to story of 3 little pigs... and a very distorted one.. haha.. he don't care one la.. so long the principle is correct... but hor, poor Chris, Shannen, Betsy amd Jasmine.. they have to be the props... the big bad wolf and the 3 piggies... haha... And Desmond never even give warning in advance lor.. Thank God I am the guitarist... haha...

We ended the visit by prayer. We held hands together to pray in unity. As I was playing guitar, I could see very clearly the faces of the children... seriously praying and seeking God for guidance... I was really encouraged by their desire to seek the Lord. And I know that the Lord will be found by them... cos of their child-like faith.

At the end, before we left, a Karen tribe girl came up to thank us in english... she represented the home and said that we brought much laughter to them though it was only a short while... :)

And the rest dashed off after this to go to the car... but hor, don't know why the Pastor kept talking to me and I can't leave... haha... at the end, I got to apologise to him for not being able to talk to him more...Got Praise n Worship session later... my goodness... "God, please help me!!" And I prayed...



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