Wednesday, October 18, 2006
Back from WAM Vision Night
Instead of writing about my BKK trip, I am inspired to come here and write about today's WAM Vision night. I had brand new revelations today after what Ps Lawrence taught and challenged about WAM ministry. It was simply a brand new learning point for me. Ps Law taught about our church's values for worship. And it just dawned upon me suddenly that I should be more concerned about if God was pleased with my worship to Him than to care about whether I enjoyed the worship that I was in.Amazing.
Is there any difference before and after worshipping God? Is there a change in ypur spirit and attitude? Is God still working in your heart after worship? Yes... these are things that I should really ponder and be concerned about! Why be so concerned about the technical aspects - how many times should we sing the chorus, how should we sing spontaneously and how should we go about heightening the worship atmosphere? Isn't these stuff supposed to be a spirit-led thingy? Why must it be limited to practices or experience? Can't there be any form spontaneous worship, being led by the Spirit and allow creativity to set in?
God should be the one leading the entire thingy. The one and only main focus should be all about making our worship pleasing unto Him. In fact, we should be the sacrifices, not the songs, not the tune and not just the music as well. We should be the ultimate sacrifices that pleases Him that is sitted enthroned above the earth. We should be the reason why He smile. He smiled because He is glad of our praises and voices. He delights in us.
May there just simply be an aroma of sacrifice arising from us to Him, a worship that is not stale and mouldy. A worship that is fresh from the oven, as if we are worshipping Him for the first time! Let there be a consistent pace in our walk with Him and let us be continuously listening to His voice, His audible voice. All that He is going to say will be far more powerful than the thousand words from men. One word from Him will change my entire life.
Love for Him through worship. An expression of the Word of God with music and rhythm. Worship. Expressing ourselves with no reservation and giving Him the very best of all. With all our heart - a love for Him. With all our soul - an emotional being. With all our mind - a rationality. With all our strength - Every part of our physical being. Everything for Him and everything is from Him. Nothing belongs to us. We belong to God solely. No compromise, no distraction. Fully and 100% focus. Always and continuously being cleansed by Him. Imperfection of ourselves reveals the perfection of our Lord Jesus Christ. His unfailing love.
Let Him be the reason why we sing, why we live and why we serve. Without Him as the centre of all, everything else will become meaningless. Won't you agree with me?
Labels: ministry, w.o.r.s.h.i.p.
agreed of course :)
and Amen.
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